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Another game of softnyxהצג סקריפט אנגליGunBound have to turn based artillery game, games bearing the characteristics of a ballistic two-dimensional games, simulation. In GunBound, players are assigned to two opposed teams which in turn fire on each other with vehicles called "Mobiles" GunBound parlance. Each "Mobile" has three unique weapons, labeled "1", "2", and "SS" (Special Shot). Factors such as surface condition, wind currents and side force elements continuously change the players in their goal setting and time course of force rethink their strategy at the time. GunBound also implements a 'delay' turn system which is influenced by mobile, weapon and / or item a player uses - using items or taking time with actions results to wait before the player's next turn. Register:
A game of Rakion seems that most shooter or third games in the first. Players use the WASD keys to move their character around the map, and camera controls are the third-person shooter style. Mouse is used to control the camera and features attacking.Significant include the state of chaos, which can be a lot stronger after a few kills cells, creatures summonable that summoner help combat.There seven different game modes: Clan War, Stage, Team Deathmatch, Solo Deathmatch, Boss war, scale, and Golem War. May limit the level selected when making the game. There is also a "basic mode" option in the games, which ignores Rakion stats.ClassesIn addition, a player can choose from five character classes when you create: Swordsmen, archers, mages, blacksmiths, and Ninjas. Characters can make the situation "chaotic", a temporary improvement gained after obtaining a certain number of deaths.Register:
Another game of ijji . Players earn experience points "Mito" (game currency) by completing tasks and deliveries, as well as prizes for driving HUVs.When destroy, players can choose from a variety of different classes of vehicles, the ability to purchase upgrade parts for their vehicle performance, as long as sufficient level is reached. These parts can then be further enhanced by 'Mittron improvements "to improve their driving performance.Through or destroy HUVs, players can also earn" coupons "to open cars or parts of the game by completing certain requirements, similar to using a series Cup Burnout. unlockable items can vary from car to parts.Players fuel car can also join or form "crews," as well as improvised "sides" further experience, or replace the items with one another. Each team receives a score rating based on their collective (S, A, B or C). These lines are listed in colorful team names, with gold being "special status", which is red, B to be blue, and C at the lowest level to be white.For register and download go this site.Home Page:
Avatar game players who spends most of his time actively fighting its most active time running a shop. Select characters level 15 character classes, and sub 60 level classes.
Levels obtained on the basis of experience, acquired mainly by killing by performing secondary tasks. Koustim kill Masquerpets mainly involve collecting specific items they drop the search. Type any drops of a different type of search object.
At this level, the character gets skill points, which may be invested in skills available to her job (s). There are two types of skills, the ones used in these attacks is used to protect and / or improvement. Skills have long cool down. Certain skills can cause a situation, confusion, shock, and bleeding being the most common. Skills must be selected carefully, as it is not possible to achieve maximum levels of all skills available through Level 60 parents.Register:
The player embodies the figure of a warrior equipped with hot and cold weapons are fighting each other in a large number of mazes, islands and estates. Number of players in a battlefield between 4 to 16. The game has a large number of common law systems in which he Deathmatch - where all the players face each other until one of them manages to kill a certain number (determined in advance) of the other players or a few minutes. Kill points per game player with money and experience that allow him to buy weapons and armor quality. Player who was killed in the game was resurrected a few seconds.
The game has very quickly Bganz many acrobatic abilities. Characters can perform many stunts like running on walls, dodge bullets and more.For register and download go this site.Home Page:
Silkroad Online characters can be selected where one out of three jobs, trader, hunter or a thief to do this with a player match player. Thieves attack traders who are protected by hunters. Hunters kill thieves attempt to qualify for a higher level of hunting. Works gives traders to complete trade in an attempt to raise the level of their dealer, thieves, merchants hunters to kill more level. Thieves can steal goods declined by traders to take Dan of Gold "thieves attempt by the thief.For register and download go this site. [u need to register for download]Home Page:
The goal is to protect the world "maple" because different monsters while developing skills and capabilities of the player's virtual character to stop the alleged black magician evil monster. The player can make money playing (mesos), to achieve things, to talk with other players and items trading. Is it possible to create a group of players (up to 6 players) fight together against monsters, group members share the experience points and money they receive. The game gave the tasks and implement them in order to get experience points, money and things. It also has special tasks designed to groups which, members are required to cooperate to complete the steps in the task successfully. These tasks are called Party Quest (also short: PQ). Game did not end the real goal, but the greatest glory is to reach level 200 (highest) with any type of work, to finish the job, get all the objects and accumulate the money game.Register: click here.