Avatar game players who spends most of his time actively fighting its most active time running a shop. Select characters level 15 character classes, and sub 60 level classes.
Levels obtained on the basis of experience, acquired mainly by killing by performing secondary tasks. Koustim kill Masquerpets mainly involve collecting specific items they drop the search. Type any drops of a different type of search object.
At this level, the character gets skill points, which may be invested in skills available to her job (s). There are two types of skills, the ones used in these attacks is used to protect and / or improvement. Skills have long cool down. Certain skills can cause a situation, confusion, shock, and bleeding being the most common. Skills must be selected carefully, as it is not possible to achieve maximum levels of all skills available through Level 60 parents.
Register: http://register.gpotato.com/index.php?m=Register&a=Registration
Download: http://flyff.gpotato.com/community/?m=download
Levels obtained on the basis of experience, acquired mainly by killing by performing secondary tasks. Koustim kill Masquerpets mainly involve collecting specific items they drop the search. Type any drops of a different type of search object.
At this level, the character gets skill points, which may be invested in skills available to her job (s). There are two types of skills, the ones used in these attacks is used to protect and / or improvement. Skills have long cool down. Certain skills can cause a situation, confusion, shock, and bleeding being the most common. Skills must be selected carefully, as it is not possible to achieve maximum levels of all skills available through Level 60 parents.
Register: http://register.gpotato.com/index.php?m=Register&a=Registration
Download: http://flyff.gpotato.com/community/?m=download
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